Okay, so I'm 32 now. When did that happen? LOL!
I've gotten to the point where I just don't look forward to my birthday anymore. Out of the past several years, there have been a couple that I've had to spend alone, and, aside from some phone calls and a visit from a florist, they hadn't been very special. So, I try not to build myself up and that way I'm not disappointed.
This year, I actually had a really nice birthday.
Mike had called during the day to wish me a happy birthday, as did Dad. I also got to hear the sonic boom from the Space Shuttle as it crossed overhead on its way to Florida. I didn't see it, but the boom was cool enough. And, Daniel wished me a "happy 24th birthday" which got him some huge hugs and kisses. Of course, the high from being called a 24 year old wore away quickly when Jacob told Daniel that I wasn't 24, but more like 45. LOL! I also managed to get the house all cleaned, which took a lot of stress off of me. Why is it that a dirty house just adds to stress?
After picking up the boys from school, we headed over to TKD for Hannah's class. Mike told Master Dave that it was my birthday, and he wished me well. As we were getting ready to leave Hannah's class, Roxanne and her boys walked in and she wished me a happy birthday too (she remembered from a few days ago). It was just nice to hear others (that aren't family) wishing me a happy birthday since that hasn't happened in a while. Quinn, the youngest of Roxanne's two boys, starts to give Daniel a "tattoo" and Jacob waits in line. Roxanne and I laugh and say that Quinn needs a show called
Overland Park Ink. I really didn't notice Mike rushing out and then rushing back in but I had to laugh when I saw what he had behind his back.
Mike announces that he wanted to give these to me when Stephen was there but he would do it anyway since he had other witnesses. He pulls a vase of flowers out and hands them to me.
Me: They're very nice, but don't think that these count as "no reason" flowers.
Mike: Can't I give my wife flowers for no reason even on her birthday?
Me: No.
Roxanne: They are very lovely flowers. They look like something Stephen would have picked out. He'll be here in a minute.
Me: Yes they are very nice, but they don't count.
Mike: I need a black belt ruling. Master Dave, can you give your wife flowers for no reason on her birthday?
Master Dave: (thinking for a minute) Yes.
Mike: See!
Me: They don't count. (to Master Dave) Do you know what's riding on these flowers?
Master D: No
Me: When Mike gives me unexpected flowers, I have to join TKD
Master D: Oh. (laughs)
Mike: (says something like) Stephen ruined everything for me! (laughs)
Me: (laughing) I've waited for 9 years for you to turn into a romantic and it's just not happening.
Mike: (to Roxanne) Can you give Stephen one of the flowers as proof for me? (starts to pull a flower from my bouquet but stops)
Roxanne: (hearing Stephen's car pull in) If you wait a minute, I think he just pulled in.
We say goodbye and head to our cars, where we meet Stephen in the parking lot. Mike walks up to him, holding the flowers.
Mike: I wanted you to see the flowers I got for my wife.
Stephen: Those are nice. I would have gotten something like that for Roxanne.
Me: They don't count!
Mike: I asked Dave for a black belt opinion and he said they do count!
Stephen: Hey, at least it's a start. (in my opinion, he was agreeing with me that they don't count!)
The flowers Mike gave me

And then, for some reason that I missed, Mike gave Stephen one of my flowers. LOL! We then headed over to Cheesecake Factory for my birthday dinner.
Mike had the kids make me cards and he gave me a gift certificate for a massage and a manicure. He said that he was going to just schedule the appointment for me but thought that I may want to pick something else. I think I'm going to get a massage and a pedicure since I've never had one before. I think it was one of the most thoughtful gifts. He also told the waitress that it was my birthday so my cheesecake came out with a candle and a plate that said, "Happy Birthday Barb!" Mike and the kids sang Happy Birthday and that was the end of a very, very nice birthday. Thanks, Mike, for making my birthday very special!