Ahh...it's Halloween. I have to say that I'm glad it's over. Seriously. Halloween, for me, is one of those holidays that I like the idea of...I love the costumes, the decorations, the pumpkins...but if the actual day never came, I'd be okay with that. I guess I could just do without the whole trick-or-treating thing. I'm quite sure that when I was a kid, Halloween was right up there with Christmas, but the thought of dressing up the three kids and knocking on strangers' doors, begging for candy has just become old. It is getting better, though. All of us were tired of trick-or-treating at about the same time AND we were close to home. They did get a nice amount of candy...which will not be enough to end the begging the next time we go to the store. They also didn't eat a whole lot of it tonight...they just enjoyed sorting it all. They were pooped tonight...all three went right to sleep. No sugar highs for them this year. At least not tonight. That's more than awesome.
So, Halloween is over for another year. It was a crazy day but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.
Oh, and our Target already had most of their Halloween stuff down this morning and most of their Christmas stuff was up.
Hannah had a Halloween parade, party and program with her preschool this afternoon. For anyone interested, here is video of her program. (I'm pretty excited that you can now upload video to Blogger since I don't have to go through YouTube now!)
And here are some photos (of course) of the kids tonight.
L-R Jacob, Daniel and Hannah (don't ask what Hannah's costume is...we're not really sure ourselves)

Our carved pumpkins...Hannah's, mine, Mike's (well, it was the pumpkin that the kids picked out for Mike) and Daniel's

Jacob's pumpkin
I didn't participate this year. But I did peek out the front door from time to time to check out the action. Quite a mob on our street this year. (^_^)
We didn't get as many trick-or-treaters as I had expected so we have a ton of leftover candy. Fortunately for us, the boys' school is having a candy drive for the Y and we'll be donating most of it (sorry, Mike!).
Very cool, Barb. We got mobbed!
Barbara I have to agree with you - I am glad Halloween is over - Trick-or-treating just isn't for me - tons of kids - crowded sidewalks, etc. And trying to get both kids ready this year was enough to make me just want to take a nap.
By the way, I emailed you a picture of the boys.
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