Poor Hannah. Most of yesterday, she had been having a hard time with wheezing. I gave her Albuterol but it didn't seem to help (it also didn't help that she was running around like a maniac with her brothers. We had promised the kids on Friday that we would take them to see Curious George on Saturday. I thought that it might be nice for Hannah...that way she would have to be calm. I told Mike that if her breathing didn't improve by the evening, I was taking her to ER.
After the movie, we went into the mall (the theater is in the mall) to get the kids some Spring clothes. At The Children's Place, Hannah began saying her chest hurt and saying she couldn't breathe. Mike decided to carry her the rest of the way. It was decided that we would stop and got the kids some dinner and I would take Hannah to the ER.
We got to the ER and the receptionist was busy with someone else. There was a sign that told us to fill out a card and wait to be called. I began filling out the card when someone came up behind us. After I filled it out, I looked at the guy and asked him "where do we put these?" He said, "I don't know...I'm following your lead." About that time, the receptionist came, took my card and told us to have a seat by her.
They took Hannah's vitals and told us to have a seat, they'd be with us in a few minutes. All of the people in the reception area were so upset that they didn't take her right back. They'd gladly give up their spot ahead of her to let her get in first. I guess that wasn't necessary as they did take us back before any of them.
The nurse came in and told me that he thought that Hannah was fine and that he didn't think anything was wrong but the doctor would be in soon. The doctor then came in and said that she wanted Hannah to have a breathing treatment but she would also need a chest x-ray and RSV/flu scan. Just as a precaution. The guy from Radiology fell in love with Hannah. She was so good and when they were taking the x-rays, she'd smile and say "cheese!" They were so concerned about getting her stickers that I worried they wouldn't read the films. He walked us back to our room and told Hannah to "always stay as cute as you are now."
Another nurse came in looking for an oxygen tank. Apparently, we had one under the bed Hannah was laying on. He stopped and talked to Hannah for about 5 minutes and left. Every time he would pass the room after that, he would stop and wave at her.
The nurse came in with the breathing treatment. He said that the RSV/flu scans were clear. Thank God. He handed me the tube and said that someone from Respiratory would be down to show us how to use the spacer inhaler...if we needed anything, let him know. At the same time the treatment was over, the guy from Respiratory showed up. He showed me how to use the inhaler with the spacer (they thought she could handle it, and she sure can!) and said the doctor would be back shortly.
The doctor came back and said that the x-rays were clear and her breathing had really improved with the treatment and asked if I had any questions. Diagnosis: Bronchitis. She went over the inhaler with us again and said that after she completed some paperwork, we'd be on our way.
The nurse came in with the antibiotic (since we have no 24 hour pharmacies he wanted to make sure she could get her medicine last night and this morning with no problems) and had me sign some stuff and we were out the door.
Leaving the ER, Hannah was like a caged animal who'd just been set free. She was so excited to be leaving but she had to stop and say goodbye to everyone. All of the secretaries, nurses and doctors we waving and yelling "bye Hannah! Feel better!" all of the way down the hall. Even the security guard who let us out and the receptionist were eager to say goodbye to her. Both Hannah and Daniel have a way of making medical personnel fall in love with them. The last time Daniel was in, he had patients coming in to say goodbye to him!
She's feeling better today...breathing better (although still a little wheezy) and I think she'll make it!