Monday, March 13, 2006

Never a Good Sign

After dropping Daniel off at school this morning, we headed to Target to pick up Hannah's medicine and get some for Jacob. While pulling out of the school, I heard a lot of sirens but didn't see anything so I didn't think much of it. We turned down Kent Street in front of the courthouse and watched as all of the officers were heading inside the courthouse. Lots of courtdates today, I guess. We cross Boscowan Street and the car in front of me is completely stopped. I then see one officer run across the street. Then another. Then another. They run back across. I look to the left and see about 4 squad cars and 2 unmarked cars pulled over. Probably 8 officers running around. Here's the creepy part...they were running around with their guns ready to go. Fantastic. Now I'm stuck at a stop light and there are all of these officers ready for a possible gun fight. Luckily, the light changed and I was able to get the heck out of there but I was pretty freaked out!