Friday, March 03, 2006

Finally Friday

Wow. It's Friday. Where did the week go? I'm a little thrown since Mike took Wednesday off. He even came home early yesterday. He says it's because he has another big project coming up and he wants to come home at a "normal" time for a while. Sounds good to me.

Hannah is going to her first birthday party (the first party that only she is invited to...not the boys) tomorrow. She's so excited. Every time I mention it to Mike, he laughs. He thinks that their little worlds are so cute. Sometime today, I have to go buy a gift which means taking the kids to either WalMart or Target. My kids are such beggars...especially Daniel.

For the first time ever (I think) I was referred to as "skinny." Some neighbors and I were talking at the bus stop and two of them were talking about going tanning (one is very tall and thin herself) because "tan fat looks better than white fat" (I'm sure I just lost Debbie to a heart attack). I made a typical comment that sounded something like "yeah, I wish I were as fat as you." My other neighbor looked at me and said "what the heck are you talking about? You've gotten so skinny and I hate you for it." WHAT!?! Me? Really? Needless to say, I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now.

I am not alone in my Grey's Anatomy obsession! I found another friend (a real one, not one online) just as obsessed as I am! Finally! Someone who understands! LOL! In fact, I got at least three e-mails from her yesterday about GA. So, Sue, I guess you are off the hook. Even though there's no show this week (freaking Oscars) I've had my Patrick Dempsey fix in several different places this week...Oprah, Barbara Walters and they showed Sweet Home Alabama last night. This is getting very sad. Seriously. I need to get a life.


Susan said...

So when are you starting your chapter of the G.A. fan club? I'm glad that you found somebody to talk about it with. I know I wasn't effective in that area.

Anonymous said...

"tan fat looks better than white fat" (I'm sure I just lost Debbie to a heart attack).

Ha ha, pretty much. People always think that bad things arn't going tot happen to them.

That's so awesome that you are losing more weight and that people are commenting on it. Way to go!

Can't relate on the Grey's Anatomy here either! I do like Sweet Home Alabama though.

Anonymous said...

Am I your GA friend, huh, huh, huh?????? I'd better be - no is more obsessed than us!!!

Barbara said...

You know you are, Michelle! However, I'm beginning to wonder about you if you don't know how many sister's McDreamy has!!!! LOL!!!!