It's been a long and busy week here.
Friday morning, I got up and came downstairs to find that the kids were already up. That's always nice. Jacob tells me that he thinks there's something wrong with Daisy, so I go over to her cage. I see that she's got some goo coming out of her eye and she just looks sad. I pick her up to check her out and she just looks at me. She inhales deeply and dies. WHAT????? We think that she got bunny bloat or an intestinal blockage but this is really starting to piss me off. Bumper lived for years. And why do they have to die in my arms??? The boys were okay with it. Hannah cried for about 5 minutes and then began asking when we were getting another one. This will be the last bunny for a while.
I was pretty sad about it (not nearly as sad as with Ruby but that seemed to drag on forever and I think I was much more attached to Ruby) and Mike said he was happy that I had plans to go out with Val that morning so it would keep my mind off of it. So, Val and I go get our pedicures and as soon as I opened the door to the house, I heard the phone ringing. It was the school nurse telling me that Hannah'd had an asthma attack and that she gave her some of her inhaler but she felt Hannah really needed her nebulizer. So, I head off to school to pick up Hannah. I know that a good part of that was that Hannah had been without her Singulair for a couple of days because I couldn't get the pediatrician and Walgreen's to talk to each other. Each wanted me to have the other fax them something. Ugh. Both said they would but neither did. After picking up Hannah, I called the pediatrician and told them that they had to do something because Hannah's asthma was beginning to act up and she needed that medicine. The nurse told me that she would take care of it. I was thrilled when Walgreen's called and said that her refill was ready.
Saturday, I woke up feeling awful. It lasted all of Saturday and most of Sunday. I'm feeling better now but I still have a cough. I'm tired of getting this same cold over and over again.
Saturday afternoon, I began getting e-mails from every old Minee Subee co-worker in my address book. Apparently, one of the teacher's aides at the school in Lincolnshire got frustrated with a 16 month old and slammed him to the ground. With enough force that it was like he had fallen off a 2 story building. The baby died and she's been charged with 2 counts of first-degree murder. It's incredibly tragic. I just keep thinking that Jacob was in that room once-upon-a-time. So sad.
Today, the kids are all sick. Thank goodness for MLK day because I'm sure I would have kept them all home. In fact, Daniel's currently sleeping on the couch. I hope Hannah's okay for her Daisy's meeting this afternoon!
Anyway, that's about it from here for now. Sorry if it felt that I've dropped off of the face of the earth.