Tonight, Jacob had his first orchestra concert. I love my new camera (yes, Dad, it's
14 megapixels!!!) because it has a pretty good video thing on it. I didn't think this (or the pictures) was (were) too bad considering I was standing in the back of the gym and he was in the front. I can't believe how many memories this brought back. Especially because they had to wear white shirts and black pants. So many years of doing this stuff. Up until now, they've just been plucking (which has been very frustrating for Jacob) but Tuesday, they get to start using their bows!
Anyway, here's some video and pictures from the concert. Unfortunately, my batteries decided to die with one song left to go, but it was more of the same.

He looks so serious. Mike do you remember your concerts?
He gets very serious when he's nervous. Jacob really enjoys playing, though.
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