Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Time to Play

Well, I did keep Jacob home from baseball tonight. I didn't feel bad about it. Not at all. The kids finally got a chance to hang out with the neighborhood kids and enjoyed most of it (get any group of kids together and they'll find something to fight about).

A new family moved into the house (kind of) behind us this past winter. No one had really seen or heard from them ever. Until today. They had a big wooden swing set installed this morning and every kid within a two street radius came over to play. They are a really nice family. Katie and I were trying to figure out where the dad is from. We think some Caribbean country. They have a very nice second grade girl and a 4 year old girl. So, between four houses who's backyards connect, we have two swing sets, a trampoline and a pool (ours). It's become a mini-park out there.

Poor Hannah...her medicine's making everything drain, which is a good thing, but it's making her cough every 5 seconds. She didn't sleep much last night and was exhausted today. She slept, briefly, this morning and afternoon. She went out to play for about 5 minutes and came in to sleep. Later, she asked to ride her bike and got to the end of the driveway before she decided she'd had enough. I hope she gets some rest tonight. It's killing me to see her like this.


Susy said...

Poor Hannah. I know exactly how she feels. With luck the draining won't take forever and a day. Unfortunately, it's gotta happen for the junk to clear up.

Anonymous said...

I hope she feels better soon. It sounds like it is a good thing, though.

Barbara said...

Luckily, she's not coughing nearly as much today. She just looks like she's doing better. Of course, a couple days ago (when they diagnosed her sinus infection), she didn't look bad at all. I guess we'll keep doing what we're doing.