We've known for a while that Hannah has some speech issues. So, why is it that when someone confirms it (even just confirms the suspicion), I get get upset and defensive?
The Speech Therapist met with Hannah during Kindergarten Roundup last week. She pulled me aside and said that she felt that Hannah needed to be screened so that she could start right when school started. She said she'd leave me a voice mail with the instructions on how to set up the screening. A week went by and I forgot about it.
Until today.
She apologizes for leaving me the message a week late and then goes on to tell me that she feels that Hannah is really behind in her speech development. Then, she gives me the low down on how to get her screened. She tells me to keep her in the loop...if she doesn't need help, that's great, but if she does, she needs to be part of the IEP process. This is where I got upset. IEP? Ummm...for a speech problem?
Ever since, I keep thinking that Hannah's fine and that she doesn't need to be screened or have speech therapy. I know, in my head, that it's wrong to think that way...if there's an issue, we need to get on it now. But my heart wants to believe there's nothing wrong with my baby girl. This is just the dumbest and craziest thing to be feeling right now.
Tomorrow, I'll set up the appointment for her screening and keep my fingers crossed that it comes back normal. Even if it doesn't, it's not the end of the world. I mean, come on, it's speech therapy. Big whoop.
Kansas has so many rules for this. The program will be set in place pretty much only if she will not be able to keep up in a regular setting. If she can, then they do a whole different thing. They want to help her. There's nothing wrong with her, she just needs a little boost. I know that you've done some research by now. Stop that until you can make your appointment. Ask them for all of the current information. Especially since when we were kids this had a HUGE stigma that doesn't exist anymore.
Oh, and you need to answer your phone, girlie!
Hey! I can't speak for Kansas but here in Virginia once a child turns 3 they recieve all services (speech, OT, PT, etc) through the school system thus they get IEP's. Jonathan has had an IEP since he turned 3 and it really isn't bad - it actually holds them accountable. We sat soen and went over everything and they changed anything I didn't agree with. Jonathan's current IEP will carry him thru 1st grade even though he is about to "test out" of speech services (YEAH!!!!) but should he show any problems then he immediatley get's services without any wait - and he get's services above any other children BECAUSE he had an active IEP.
Don't let an IEP scare you. Speech had been wonderful for Jonathan - he has been in speech since he was 2 (he turns 6 this July) and the improvement is amazing.
Good luck to you and Hannah - I am sure everything will be fine and if she needs a little help then it is best that she get it now.
Hang in there!
Michelle...I completely forgot that Jonathan went to speech. I may be giving you a call if I don't understand something. Yay for him that he's testing out!
Sue...you need to quit calling my cell...it's been dead for two days! LOL!
Anyway...I know that it's not a big deal, it's just that I'm so tired of dealing with support services at the school. Okay...I'm tired of dealing with the counselor at the school and all of the baggage she brings. At least she won't be Hannah's counselor.
Everyone's been very nice about all of this and I have no reason to be upset, I don't know.
Yabbut your regular phone isn't much better. I sprung for a new set of batterys in both the downstairs phones too.
Not my fault that I'm rarely home, Dad! LOL!
Call anytime - email me if you don't still have my number.
Even if you don't have questions we could just talk over a cup of coffee - long distance coffee chat!!!!
Barb, an IEP is a good thing. I wish that we could have one. As for the speech, in the long run, it will be so much better for her. I know it's frustrating for her when someone can't understand her. (BTW, I had speech therapy when I was younger too. It was actually kind of fun.)
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