I seem to have acquired Sue's bully hummingbird. LOL! We noticed him a few days ago and every day, he seems to come more often (Jacob's named him Tim). Today, he's been averaging a trip every half hour, which seems like a lot for a little hummingbird. After picking the boys up from school, I noticed a different hummingbird at the feeder and then, out of no where, Tim comes along and chases him off. He's done it twice, that I've seen anyway. He seems pretty confident that it's his feeder...we saw him sitting on the top of it for a while. Right now, he's perched in the tree in the backyard, waiting to pounce. Oh...I take that back. He's at the feeder as we speak. My little piggy bully hummingbird! LOL!
I didn't have hummingbirds this year. We did get a good drenching last night and this morning. You could almost hear Peoria go Ahhhhh.
I really didn't have hummingbirds until about a week ago. We had two earlier this year, but then they left and there were none all summer. On a whim, we changed the nectar and BOOM! Hummingbirds.
I need to fill the feeder again. I just think that it's so hot that they aren't around right now. Then again, it could be that there are big fish in Iowa.
You're right...it could be that there are big fish in Iowa, or, it could be that there's a high pressure area over Des Moines. LOL!
(Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends added a new one...it's hoooootttt in Toooopeeeeekkkaaaaa
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