Tuesday, March 13, 2007

You Know You Want Some...But You Can't Have Some

Here it is...yummy, crispy...a heart attack waiting to happen. I have been dreaming about Lumpia for months. Don't ask me why. So, Mom and Dad brought me three packages of Lumpia wrappers when they visited and I couldn't wait to fry some up. I could have been nice and made these while they were here but that would have meant less for me! And I'm not kidding! Okay, I am kidding...but not really! :) Of course, I made the call to Mom tonight...thanks for saving me from putting the egg in with the filling. That would not have been tasty.
Mike jokingly asked the question, "these are low fat, right?" Ummm...do you SEE the grease on the paper towels?!? LOL!


Anonymous said...

Mmmm...Those have a nice, big, heaping spoonful of MSG too, don't they?

Barbara said...

You know they do! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, good stuff! I can just taste them.

Anonymous said...

I gained 5 lbs last weekend. Getting back on my usual diet now.
Mom scored some of the good ham hocks yesterday. Beans & hocks tonight.

Barbara said...

Snake does a body good! LOL!

Anonymous said...

You fed Dad snake and he gained 5 pounds?

Barbara said...

Well...not snake exactly. I did make prime rib. Not my fault that he ate two pieces! LOL!

Anonymous said...

I heard about your prime rib. Mom said it was wonderful which is something since she says she doesn't like beef.

Barbara said...

Deb...she even ate it medium rare!!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about that.

Barbara said...

I told her that I could cut a piece off and put it back into the oven but she said that prime rib is not meant to be eaten well done.

Anonymous said...

Of course heavy duty fish & chips don't help the waistline either. But that was some GOOD snake. And burgers. Lots of burgers, and tacos on the way home.
