I could see the storm rolling in when we got up this morning. The sky was completely black to our south and west and I was just hoping to get the kids to school before the rain started. It was almost over the house when we were walking out the door and still no rain. As we were driving, a huge bolt of lightening hit somewhere close and I told Jacob and Daniel that once I pulled up in front of the school they were to run into the school. Apparently, a lot of parents told their kids that because I saw tons of kids running full speed into the school.
I pull out of the lot and Hannah asks me if it's storming. I tell her not yet. I turn my head to make sure I'm not going to hit anything as I pull out onto the road and I see this (yeah, I usually carry a camera with me)...

I don't think I have to say outloud what I thought it was at first. Luckily, it was just a really heavy band of rain that looks to be right over my house (it wasn't, though). Cool, isn't it?
That is a cool picture. How handy you had your camera with you. I love weather.
It's funny because I had just put my camera in my purse because Hannah has ice skating this afternoon and I didn't want to forget it! LOL! When I saw the clouds, I pulled over to search for it and got a few pictures. I'm a dork, I know! LOL!
We always thought it strange that when Mom and I were cowering in the basement with the dog and cat in these heavy storms, that the front door would slam and you'd soon roar down the basement steps all wide eyed. I see you're still running around in weather.
LOL, Dad! It wasn't anything severe. Just an ugly thunderstorm. We really didn't have any wind to go along with it. It just stopped raining and we ended up with about an inch in 45 minutes.
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