According to the news, we got about 6 inches last night, which is a lot more than the 2-4 they were calling for. It's all blowing around so it's really hard to tell just how much is out there. To top it off, there's a lovely layer of sleet under it all, so I'm thinking that I really don't want to go out there. Boy, am I happy that I went grocery shopping yesterday.
As soon as the alarm went off this morning, I turned the TV on to check for school closings. The first channel I came to was Fox and they had a thing at the bottom of the TV, so I waited. There it, after a groggy conversation with Mike, I went back to sleep.
Jacob came in at 8:10 asking why I hadn't woken him up yet. I told him there was no school today and he could either go back to bed or watch cartoons for a few minutes. He mumbled something and closed the door. 8:15 am, Jacob comes back in and asks if I'm sure he doesn't have school. I say yes, I'm sure. He leaves. 8:20 am, Jacob's back again asking how I know. I tell him that I saw the closing on TV. At 8:25, Jacob comes in and asks if the TV could be wrong.
At this point, I figure it's easier to go on the computer and show him from the websites. The first one I come to is our ABC affiliate, since I'm on their e-mail lists for school closings. No e-mail. Hmmm. I go to their website and look at the closings...our school district isn't on there. Now, I'm freaking out on the inside. I look up our Fox affiliate...there's our school district. Interesting. Maybe I'll get answers if I go to the district's website. There in big, bold letters it says NO SCHOOL TODAY. Phew. Jacob's really angry that he doesn't have school today. LOL!
What's sad is they also cancelled MOPS for today. Hannah was sad for a few minutes and then she got over it. She loves MOPS and I feel bad when she can't go.
How's everyone else's snow today?
OK. It's snowing. It's blowing.
It's a really crappy day and the snow plows are doing a crappy job of keeping the roads open. Every school in the in the State of Illinois is closed...except Bradley. WHOI is going on about how Bradley is still open. Even the court house is closed.
I went home for lunch as usual. I parked in front of the house. Scott had parked his plumber's van in front last night so I at least had a little less snow to park in. The driveway's drifted shut. I'll have to park in front when I get home, take a nap, then ust the big gun to clear out the snow. That is if the wind's gone down. That 5 1/2 horse blower works wonders on drifts.
Have a crappy day.
We have a blizzard warning today. I suppose the conditions in town are not too bad but the wind is fierce and coming from every direction. My screen door keeps opening and slamming shut. At one point it was snowing on the landing inside by my back door. Jeff stuffed some stuff in it and hung an Army blanket over the door and it's much better. I have snow between my windows and storm windows too.
Sounds like you got it way worse than we did. The main roads here are clear but the backroads are a crap shoot. Still blowing but at least it's stopped snowing. I can't imagine the kids won't have school tomorrow.
Message fron the Provost:
Classes will close at 3 PM along with University Offices.
Thanx guys!
I wonder how many people skipped classes today because of the snow! I know I would have.
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