Friday, January 05, 2007


I saw that A&E is going to start showing reruns of The Sopranos. One question...How? How in the world is A&E going to do it? My guess is they're going to cut the crap out of it and that's a shame. Everyone in the cast swears...a lot. I don't know if I could handle watching Tony Soprano exclaining, "oh fudge!" instead of the actual phrase. I don't know...makes him just a little less tough. Also, they work out of the Bada Bing!...IT'S A STRIP CLUB!!! How are they going to get around that? You can't delete those scenes because a lot of important business goes on in the Bada Bing! scenes. Never mind the extreme violence. (Tony killing Ralph Cifaretto with a hot cast iron skillet, for example. BTW, he had it coming! LOL!) There is very little implied violence in this series. In fact, the only example I can think of is Adrianna. Of course, that's after Christopher, very realistically, almost chokes her to death. I just don't see how it's going to work. It's a shame to sanitize The Sopranos just to put it on regular cable. It's on HBO for a reason.


Anonymous said...

I donno Barb, they were pushing Earl a bit last night on NBC. South Park is on regular cable and they get pretty raunchy too. Then there's HBO. Oh, and don't forget Adult Swim...Robot Chicken, & Venture Brothers come to mind. It starts with the pilot next Thursday. I'll run a DVD on it for a check out though.

Susan said...

A&E will blur nudity and just put a blank in the cussing. It's very weird, but they do it all the time.

heathashli said...

I need to "A&E" MY swear words. Fudge sounds good. I'll use sweets in place of bad words.

Barbara said...

LOL!!! I should probably do the same!