Saturday, January 06, 2007


We got Jacob's report card yesterday. For all 16.5 days he's been there. Daniel's report card isn't ready yet...his old teacher was responsible for it and hasn't been able to get any of them done for her class. According to Mrs. T (his new teacher), Mrs. L will have them to her by the end of the week. Whatever.

Anyway, Jacob seems to be doing well. They don't get letter grades just yet...that starts in 3rd grade, but they get +, /, and - grades. For the categories (Reading, Math, Science) they get 1, 2, and 3 grades. 1=A, 2=B/C and 3=D/F. He got a 1 in Reading and 2's in Math and Science. Pretty good considering they're doing different stuff than his class in VA was. I expect he'll do better this grading period...not that he did poorly this one. I'm really curious to see Daniel's report card.

Another year, another insurance mess up...Once again, we've received two sets of insurance cards...from two different companies. We got the first before the end of 2006 and the second set today. We knew that there was a problem and were ready for the re-enrollment starting on Tuesday. What's strange is the cards we got today were for the plan we thought we'd signed up for in the first place. Hopefully, they've fixed it on their own and we can just keep these cards.

I got a call yesterday from my MOPS table leader...I'm hoping that this is a good group. Mike keeps asking me if I'm going to do MOPS or MOMS Club...I keep telling him that I'm going to try to do both. I heard from MOMS last week...twice. I'm going to give them another shot. I'm also going to try to get involved in PTO at the kids' school. They have meetings once a month at the school. I suppose you can't be in enough groups...all I know is that I need to get out of the house. It'll feel more like home once I get some friends. I miss going to the store and running into people I know.

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