Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Found These For the Kids

Smiley courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgSmiley courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgSmiley courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgSmiley courtesy of www.FreeSmileys.orgSmiley courtesy of

I love these smileys!!!


Anonymous said...

Careful with that crap Barb. The
real one to watch out for is
"Emotcoms". Lots of smiley faces,
but they will put a really nasty
trojan horse on your 'puter. I
had 2 of them on my work 'puter
without even trying. Can't get
rid of them entirely, but the
'puter guy put them in quanentine
so they're not a problem anymore.

Barbara said...

I have lots of friends who have had no problem with the site I got these from. Basically, Blogger just takes the code from this website and these are not downloaded at all on my computer. But thanks for the warning!