The Pink Power Ranger (Hannah), The Unknown Phantom (Jacob) and Ghost Rider (Daniel) are all ready for Trick-or-Treating!

We actually had a good time tonight. We trick-or-treated on our street and the next street over. Halfway through the second street, Jacob asked if we could go home. I asked him if he was tired. He said, "no. My bag of candy's too heavy. I think we have enough!" I didn't think any child thought there was even such a thing as too much candy.
Our neighbor, Sue, brought the kids over Halloween goodie bags. I was expecting just some candy inside but she put a Beanie Baby in each one and a bunch of other stuff. She's a little strange, but she's always been really nice to the kids. The first thing Jacob wanted to do was trick-or-treat at her house so that he could thank her. Too sweet!
Very scary! It sounds like they had a lot of fun!
I think they did! Jacob said that his costume was the best ever! LOL!
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