Monday, October 23, 2006

Grammar and Other Things

26 Days Until the Move
Word of the day
patina \puh-TEE-nuh\ noun

1 : a green film formed on copper and bronze by exposure to moist air b : a surface appearance of something grown beautiful especially with age or use
*2 : an appearance or aura that is derived from association, habit, or established character
3 : a superficial covering or exterior

Example sentence:
The weather-beaten inns and storefronts along the seaside give the area the patina of a Colonial whaling village.

I was reading the Washington Post this morning when I came across this article: Clauses and Commas Make a Comeback. It's interesting to me because I didn't realize grammar had been missing from schools. I had grammar drilled into my head from a very young age (thanks, Mrs. Schmidt!). I may not have very good examples of it on the blog, but, I'm lazy. It's a sad fact, if it's true, that grammar lessons are gone. As much as I hated diagramming (don't even ask me about diagramming the Preamble to the Constitution in college) and learning proper usage, but it has served me well.

Daniel woke up this morning with a 102 fever. You'd have a hard time knowing he's sick but he is, so I kept him home. Jacob was eating breakfast in preparation for school and I went out to walk the dog. When I came back in, Jacob informed me that Daniel was faking. LOL!!! I asked him how he knew that. He told me that as soon as I left the room, Daniel was fine. I told him that I understand that he's upset that Daniel gets to stay home and he doesn't but rest assured that Daniel is indeed sick. Jacob began sulking in his Fruity Pebbles and began to fake a cough. Nice try. Get your backpack and let's go. He wouldn't talk to me the rest of the morning. Oh well.


Susan said...

Got a word a day calendar did we?

Barbara said...

Actually, Mirriam-Webster will send you a word of the day if you sign up for it...I thought it was cool!

Susan said...