Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Can I Break a Posting Record? Probably Not...

Wayne came over and fixed the handrail tonight...he told me that unless the kids are really pulling on it, it should stay in since he found the stud. He then showed me how to find the stud without using a stud finder. You really do learn something new everyday! He even fixed the ugly hole in the wall (I had tried but Wayne told me that I did a really crappy job! LOL!) He's coming back tomorrow to finish sanding the patch. We really do have awesome neighbors!

I don't know why I just thought of this but if you put a splash of almond extract in waffle batter, they taste like spritz cookies...only more waffley (I think I may have just wanted an excuse to use the word waffley but it really does taste good)

Since the guy who's coming to measure the carpet is going to take the sample with him, I thought that I would post a picture of the one I picked out so that Mike could see. I had actually wanted to post more but Blogger's really screwing up tonight. Anyway, it's a nice Berber...
I put the sample under the couch to see what it would look like with the furniture.

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