Monday, June 12, 2006


Here it is...another Monday. Blah. Too much to do today and here I am blogging instead of getting it done. Oh well.

I finally got all of the pictures I've taken since April uploaded to Snapfish. It's about time. Almost 400 pictures. Yeah, I know, I take too many pictures. I hate just having them on the computer because if the computer crashes, I'm screwed. I could back them up onto CD but those don't seem to last very long around here.

Mike has been a cleaning machine here on the weekends. So far, he's blasted the living room, laundry room (quite an'll kill yourself in there!), dining room, family room, front entry and garage. Countless trips to the dump and Salvation Army and the house is starting to look good again. I'm trying to maintain what he's done so far and I've been given the task of sorting out the kids' rooms. I just go in there and don't know where to start! I think it's all a secret plot to get me out to Kansas in the next few months. He denies it, though. He had me looking at houses online last night. Of course, that's the fun part. I'm just shocked at what you can get there. Unfortunately, all of the houses seem to look the same. And yes, Mom, they all have basements.

I also need to get working on the MOMS Club newsletter. I need to have that to Aimee by tomorrow afternoon. I guess I should get to work on that. Okay...I should go get to work. At least the house looks nice! For now. I need to do laundry!


Anonymous said...

Good for Mike! The hard part is maintaining it. I hope you find a house you like in KS, Barb. I think you'd all be happier if you were together.

Barbara said...

I don't want to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know. It stinks. Who knows? You might like it there. You'd be closer to everyone else too.

Anonymous said...

YOU DON"T WANT TO MOVE!!!! And, I know they are your family, but you'd be further away from me and Erin!!!

the Joneses said...

Moving is stupid. Moving away from here, anyway. Moving here was a good idea.

-- SJ

Barbara said...

Thanks Michelle and least I feel loved! :)