Tuesday, February 21, 2006


I just finished cleaning up from what is possibly the world's most boring Birthday Social. I'd had some crafts and coloring sheets for the kids all ready to go...only Daniel and Hannah showed any interest. Hannah spent the majority of the party begging for cupcakes and eating vegetable dip (with no veggies). Daniel ate so many carrots that I think he may actually turn into one. I am completely convinced that these things really aren't for the kids but are for the moms to hang around a coffee pot and gab. Except for the two moms who had really little ones, we let the kids play by themselves (the occasional, "Hey Erin, is Sean okay with the scissors?" "Oh, he's fine" was heard). BTW, thanks, Erin, for giving Hannah that second cupcake! I'm looking forward to getting your kids all hopped up on sugar this Thursday! LOL!

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