Wednesday, March 10, 2010


A few years back, our school district decided it would be a great time to start building some new schools around our area. The high school we feed into was nearing capacity and there was a lot of potential growth in the area, so let's build a new elementary, middle and high school. Then, the housing market crashed. All of the new developments stopped in their tracks. The new subdivision slated for across from where the kids go to school currently has a lot of roads and streetlights but only two houses. And they are model homes. It's been sitting like that for two years. Of course, it doesn't help that those homes are between $500,000 and $750,000. I'm guessing there are at least 100 lots available. It's kind of sad to see everyday.

This school year, the new elementary school, TC, opened. It's at 1/4 capacity. Next school year, the new high school, BVSW, opens (this is where we will eventually feed into). It's projected to also be at 1/4 capacity and enrollment will probably open to anyone in the school district in order to fill it. The following year, what's currently known as Middle School 10 will open (when Jacob is in 7th grade). It's unknown what the enrollment will be at this point. I do know we will feed into it, so he'll go to PR for one year and then transfer over.

Shock of all shocks, our school district is $9 million short for next year. Do they delay the opening of the new middle and high schools? No. They decide to make massive cuts elsewhere.

Specifically, 4th and 5th grade band and strings is totally eliminated. I am more than unhappy.

Other cuts include: cutting 7th grade track (whatever) and all 8th grade sports (most kids play through the park district until high school here anyway). Cutting middle school French (they teach French?) and 1/2 of the full day kindergarten programs (they really need to cut them all and go to strictly 1/2 day, and get rid of the preschool program altogether, IMHO. There are no cuts slated at the preschool level). They also want to increase maximum class size at the elementary level by either 1 or 2 (max class size already is 26...and those classrooms are cramped).

I understand that it's belt tightening time but I just think cutting band and strings is unacceptable. I may not be popular for saying this but I've never seen a district that relies so heavily on paraprofessionals. I don't know exactly how many our school alone has but it's a lot. I get those that help with Special Education but there are several that just randomly help out with things like bus duty and making copies for the teachers. I never understood that. Yeah, it would suck for the teachers to actually have to do stuff for themselves. They get quite a bit of planning time per day (over an hour)...let them do it then. Or, do like Hannah's teacher does and ask a parent to come in and do it for her.

I'm quite sure band and strings will be cut, which will be a huge shame. I guess we'll have to go private for lessons for Daniel and Hannah when the time comes. And for Daniel, that's next year.

1 comment:

Emma said...

That is SOOOO dumb! Music is really important, and also for the sports kids who want to get into high school sports the next year. Illinois is thinking about making some school cuts in the music program too, but I think my choir teacher just may commit mass murder if that happens. lol