Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pardon Me While I Vent

There's this lady at the school that just rubs me the wrong way. Seriously. They are a new family this year and she volunteered to be the room mom in Daniel's class. After the first party was a total disaster (instead of asking for help from co-room mom, Melissa, a veteran room mom, she decided to do it all and fell on her face.), you'd think she'd learn that she can't do it all and that there are others that actually want to help. But, if you don't ask, we can't. This is also the same mom that I got into an argument with about making nativity scenes at the winter party ("Jews believe in Jesus so why would they be offended?")

To her credit, she tried to apologize if she offended me and then turned around and basically told me that I was an idiot, so, I've completely written her off.

I seriously think my blood pressure goes through the roof just by hearing her name. What makes me angry the most is that I let her get to me this much. I've never had someone piss me off the way she does.

Today, she stopped me in the school parking lot and asked if I'd gotten the e-mail regarding the Valentine's party. I told her no. She actually called me a liar. I told her that I haven't gotten one e-mail from her all year. Again, I'm a liar. I told her that 3 months ago I told her that I wasn't on her e-mail train and, more than likely, there were others that weren't on it as well. She told me to shut up. It was at this point I walked away.

She followed me.

"What's your e-mail address?" she asked over and over while running after me. I wanted to ask her why she needed it if I was lying but decided to just give her the stupid e-mail address.

So, if you ever find out I've been arrested for assault, you'll know why...it'll be because I finally got fed up and punched her in the face.

1 comment:

Dana said...

you need some Desperate Housewives and a glass of wine. Ive already decided thats how Ill get through middle school...hopefully that show still exsists then.

ps: the word verification just had me type 'ovrylost'...menapausal license plate idea????