It's been a busy couple of weeks. Things are finally starting to wind down at the school and it's strange that the kids will all be home for the summer a week from today.
Hannah had her last Daisy Girl Scout meeting for the year last week. Melissa, her troop leader, announced that the Girl Scouts have made the Daisy program a two-year deal so Hannah will be a Daisy for another year. She'll start Brownies in 2nd grade.
This is the cake that Melissa made. When she told us how she did it, I was amazed. She spent a lot of time on it. (the bee alone is made from three different cake pan parts - the wings are bunny ears!) It was very yummy.

The girls get ready for the flag ceremony.

Saying the Girl Scout Promise.

Daisys is all about learning the Girl Scout Law. They break down the parts and earn petals when they master each one (that's what the petals on their smocks are for. They get a petal for each one mastered.) They also used this board to help them along. Hannah puts up one of the petals.

Melissa gives Hannah her awards for the year.

Hannah shows off her awards (with a goofy face)

Here are the awards she received. She was the top cookie seller for her troop!

Last night was the graduation/cookout for the boys Cub Scout Pack. This is always a good time. The boys officially get their new ranks (which means Daniel's now a Bear Scout!). It was tons of fun.
Jacob was freaking out because ashes from the campfire kept falling into his drink.
Mike gives his den their awards.
Jacob and his best friend, Andrew.
Mike gives Daniel his new Bear neckerchief
Mike and Daniel.
The Webelos didn't get anything but they were brought up for recognition.

Getting ready to roast marshmallows.

More roasting.

Like mother, like son. Jacob loves his on fire.
So what does the red sash mean?
Correction: Mike was the top Daisy cookie seller!
LOL Isn't that how it usually goes, Mike?
The red sash was for color guard.
I don't know how much band candy that I sold from Work Control at
Bradley. I did rake in a bunch of bucks though. Not to mention Girl Scout cookies and fruit.
So Mike (and Dad), you gonna wear that badge to work?
If he decides to wear the badge, he's going to have to wear the smock since it's sewed, firmly, on the back of it! LOL!!!
Does it come with a beanie? LOL
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