Jacob LOVES playing the violin. I have to admit that he's not too bad at it either. I actually don't mind listening to him practice because the songs actually sound like what they are supposed to sound like. His concert was huge. All of the kids (4th grade through high school) that feed into their high school were invited to play. I was amazed at the middle school orchestra. They were playing stuff that we might have played in high school and sounded awesome. Anyway, here are some pictures.
4th grade strings. Behind them and to the left is the middle school group. To the right are the 5th graders.
Jacob waves from his spot.
Jacob just before going inside.
Hannah was so excited that it snowed on her birthday. It wasn't as bad as what they had been calling for, which was good. We were supposed to get 10 inches of snow and got about 3 because it rained longer than they thought it would. Of course, it all melted Sunday since it was in the 50's. Anyway, we had her birthday party on Sunday afternoon and a ton of her friends showed up. (Thank goodness for places that don't charge per child!) Here are a few pictures.
Jacob on the rope swing. Hannah on the rock wall (the girl on the right). She loved this and proved to be a great climber!
I love this one of Daniel. Pretty typical!
The kids get instructions before going into the playroom.
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