It's been crazy here. First, the weather's been nuts. Sunday, we had a high of 60 degrees and then the bottom fell out and we got down to 5 degrees with snow and freezing rain. I don't think we got above 12 degrees today. I feel like we've moved back to Iowa!
We got the basement done. Well, there's still a little cutting in that I need to do but we are 99% done. We got these foam rubber blocks to put on the floor in the playroom (since the painting didn't turn out so well there) and it looks super cute. Since it's the same type of floor that our
TKD school has, we've been referring to it as our
LOL! I think it turned out nice, and the kids love it! And, yes, I do know that the pattern is off. So frustrating for me.

In the process of putting the basement back together, we decided it was time for a TV upgrade. Now, if I could just get the thing to work right.

Mike picked out that rug all by himself. He's been really impressing me with his decorating skills.

Hannah had her consecration on Sunday. It's a ceremony, at the synagogue, welcoming children into the world of learning. It was really sweet. They gave the kids robes and wrapped them up in the Torah. I didn't get photos of the ceremony because it wasn't appropriate but here are some of Hannah before and after the ceremony.

Hannah and her Torah.

I've also been trying to wrap up my
jiu jitsu testing before we leave for Illinois. I was doing well until tonight. We did Guard techniques and I was all over the place. I had to restart once and will probably have to re-do that section again on Wednesday. Ugh. Oh well. I'll be really happy to have that behind me.
I think the blocks look great. Looks like you got a lot of work done.
Hannah looks adorable. Can't wait to see all of you.
Good luck on your test.
Those blocks do look great. I'm sorry the painting didn't come out like you wanted.
Adorable little Hannah. My goodness, she looks a lot like Mary Rose in that picture.
That's okay about the painting, Deb. The blocks look so much cuter! :)
I can't wait to get a photo of Hannah and Mary Rose together in a few days. They really do look so much alike...probably because you and I look so much alike and the girls take so much after us!
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