They told me to let her stay in pj's and bring her comfort things (blanket, stuffed animals) so she packed up the blanket Deb made for her years ago, the blanket Sue gave her years ago (she still sleeps with both blankets!) and a teddy bear. She was thrilled when they gave her bear a hospital bracelet and a hair thing. They even let her take all of it into the OR with her. That was nice.
Like I said, it was 10 minutes after we waved goodbye that they came out and told us that she was done. The doctor came in to talk to us and said that her adenoids, were indeed, huge. He said that everything went really well and he expected her to have a quick recovery.
Mike and I went back to see her and she seemed so groggy but was still her spirited little self. They gave her some apple juice, a popsicle (because she had one of those throat tubes, her throat would be pretty sore today. It was hard to see her with the IV and machines and all, but they unhooked her pretty quickly and we were able to go home.
Now, she's hanging out on the couch with a milkshake, just taking it easy for the rest of the day.
Here's Hannah and her bear before they wheeled her back for her surgery.

Glad it went well. How's she doing? Give us a call when you get a chance.
I told you it would be that fast. LOL Glad that she did so well. You should see improvement pretty quick.
Bless her heart. I'm glad it went well. What a big girl!
Yeah Hannah!!! I am so glad everything went well.
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