We got there and I introduced myself as "Barbara from the blog" and he got all excited. "Barbara!" He said. "Give me a hug!" After the hugs, he asked me to introduce him to Jacob and then called someone over to take a picture. "We've got a blogger over here! We need a photo now!" He said. I then hand that guy my camera and ask him to take one for me as well. (click photos to enlarge)
Gary Lezak, Stormy the Weather Dog, me and Jacob
Then he says, "I told you that Stormy would do a trick for you." He calls Stormy over and has her do a couple of tricks for us and for the crowd. There wasn't a whole lot of room, so these were the best photos I could get.
He gives me another hug and told me to keep blogging. Oh, and can I e-mail him any photos that I took? LOL!
It was awesome to finally introduce myself to Gary. What was even cooler is that he knew exactly who I was. He seemed to be really excited to see me and definitely spent more time with us than with everyone else. Jacob just thought it was cool to be able to meet his "favorite weatherman." So awesome.
Kewl beans Barb!
I thought it was cool. I felt like I was meeting a rock star! LOL! At one point, my hands were shaking a little and he asked me why. I told him that I guess I was a little nervous. He laughed and asked Jacob if I had been excited about meeting him and Jacob said, "you have no idea." Too funny.
Dork! That's pretty cool.
I know...I'm a great big nerd! LOL!
I would have thought that was awesome too. Maybe you can be a "weather girl" when you grow up, lol. I'm still trying to figure out what I'm going to be.
As much as I would love to be a weather girl, I certainly couldn't handle the math part. :(
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