Tonight was the Blue and Gold Banquet for our Cub Scout Pack. Both of our boys got their new ranks tonight...Jacob's officially a Bear Scout and Daniel's officially a Tiger Scout. It was a really big deal...there was a nice catered dinner, door prizes and a guy from a show called Mad Science who did a science show for the kids. They also announced who won the centerpiece contest. We (Den 6...Daniel's Den) were the only den that picked up on the Year of the Rat thing (everyone else did dragons) and ended up winning first place (out of 9 dens). So, Daniel's den won a pizza party at Chuck E Cheese...Mike and I won redemption from the Pinewood Derby! LOL! I suppose I can now add "maker of large papier mache rat" to my resume. Yep...I made the huge rat. I made the rat form out of flower foam and then put the papier mache on. The boys painted it all by themselves and then made the little rats that are around it. It was so cute. Now, we don't exactly know what to do with the rat. I don't have the heart to just pitch it. I'm sure we'll find something to do with it, though.
Jacob's den made a huge dragon, which they used when they walked in to give the invocation. Mike drew cariacatures of each of the boys in the den that are on the yellow spots on the dragon.

Jacob's den discusses how to set up the dragon.

Back of the dragon
Bonus points to anyone that can pick out Jacob just from the pants! LOL!
Jacob points to something interesting on the stage.

The Den 6 Pack Rats. Yep, that's papier mache...and I made that. I still can't believe I did it. The boys made the little rats all by themselves.
The Den 6 boys and their award

is he the middle kid in the jeans?
Nope, not wearing jeans...try again! But you've got the right area. LOL!
And for those that don't know, you can click on the photos to make them bigger.
Congrats to Daniel's den on winning first place for center piece. The rat looks great. Sounds like everyone had a good time.
Jacob is the short one in the middle with the light blue or tan pants.
Light blue or tan...that narrows it down! LOL! :)
LOL! Bobbi, I was just about to come on with a similar response. hehehe
Okay...okay...he's fourth from the right.
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