I hate winter weather. It started snowing about 1/2 hour before we had to leave for gymnastics. Since the road outside the house was already covered, I figured that we had better leave early. Good thing we did. What would typically take us 10-15 minutes took almost 1/2 hour. The roads were (and still are) crap. It doesn't help that we have a sleet/snow combo right now.
Driving in this stuff really doesn't bother me too much...you allow extra time to get wherever you are going, put plenty of space between you and the car in front of you, go much slower than normal, double your normal stopping time, etc. My problem is that all of the lights here are messed up. The yellows are about 3 seconds (literally) long. After skidding into the middle of the intersection at my first yellow light (luckily, I never lost control although to continue going straight in my lane, I had to turn the steering wheel all of the way to the left which made going again interesting), I decided that if there were any others where I was the lead car, I'd have to run the red and take my chances if any police decided to pull me over. I got really lucky when the guy in front of me decided to make a left turn (no turn lane) and stopped like the roads weren't slippery. I would have run right into the back of him if the lane next to me hadn't been open.
The bad news is that it's still coming down and I get to go back out into it a little after 3!
Ugh is right - and by the way - at 6am they announced that school was closed today (but none of the TV stations had it right - they showed 2 hr delay ALL morning).
Stay safe on the roads!!!
LOL about the school closings! We didn't even get an early release out of this and we've got about 2 inches on the ground and we've got sleet coming down right now. They did cancel math tutoring for Jacob after school, though. This is much more the snow mindset that I'm used to...VA got me all messed up! ;)
Like you said, drive slow, keep your distance and allow extra time to get there. The problem is that not all drivers use common sense when it comes to winter driving.
Just be careful. You carry precious cargo.
We have more snow, sleet, freezing rain coming our way - must be what you have today/tonight. Brian and I are placing bets what schools will do tomorrow - I want atleast a 2 hour delay - then Jonathan's preschool is cancelled and so is speech - I have too much to do around here I need another day.
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