First, I have to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DAD!!!
Okay, so I come home from dropping off Hannah at school. Actually, I also stopped by Hen House to order my Thanksgiving turkey (thanks for the reminder, Deb) and then came home...whatever...when the phone rings. I always get nervous when I see the school on the caller id. I answer the phone and she says...
Her: This is so and so from the school. Mr. L (the principal) wanted us to call all of the first grade parents. On the way back from their field trip this morning, the bus your child was on was involved in a minor, and I must stress, minor, accident. (My heart goes into my throat) There were no injuries and they are all back at school and are doing fine. You don't have to, but we understand if you want to come and pick up your child.
Me: So, everyone's okay? Are they shaken up?
Her: Yes, everyone seems fine. They were lauging and whatnot when they came in.
Me: Oh, okay. Well, if he wants to come home, please let me know.
Her: Absolutely.
I know that there was more to the conversation, but I just can't remember it. I hung up and was still a little freaked out. I checked the school voice mail (each parent has a voice mailbox for school communication) and there was a message from the principal saying that they were all back and were eating lunch and that they were allowing anyone that felt they needed to see the nurse. He also gave us his cell phone number in case anything came up over the weekend. Ugh. I didn't need this today! The one time the boy rides the bus...
Oh Barbara - someone would have to remind me to breathe and pick me up off the floor if I got that phone call. However, knowing Daniel and most 1st graders - given no one was hurt and it was a minor accident it was probaly more fun than the field trip itself and something Daniel will talk about for days to come.
Glad to hear everyone is ok! Now - BREATHE!!!!!
Daniel refers to it as the big crash. He's pretty funny about it. He swears that there were at least 4 busses involved and that his just ran out of gas (his was actually the one that ran into the back of the other). He said that he hit his whole face on the seat in front of him and Josh, Daniel's best friend who was sitting next to him, hit his head on the window and gave himself a pretty good headache. I guess all of the boys thought it was pretty cool and all of the girls were crying.
Aw, I'm glad he thinks it was a big adventure. Those poor girls. I hope someone gave them a big hug.
It's cool you got a call. We get emails. The fire alarm at the middle school malfunctioned a couple of weeks ago. It was a chilly day, so they put the kids on busses at first and then took them to the church next door and let them watch Veggie Tales for a couple of hours until they got it fixed. They even took them lunch at the church. Can you imagine how the church felt being invaded by 500 middle schoolers for the entire morning? Talk about good neighbors. Of course, the kids thought it was great.
That's awesome that the church took them in. That certainly fosters a good community relationship.
We were driving down I35 on the way home from TKD yesterday when the guy in front of me decided to slow down really quickly. I gasped very loudly and hit the brake. When we started speeding up again, Daniel yells, "that's what happened when the bus crashed!" That's what I figured had happened but couldn't get it out of him!
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