Saturday, August 18, 2007

This Just In...

Mike just called from Tae Kwon Do (he and the boys go to the main academy for practice on Saturdays) and they've posted the results of last week's testing. First, let me explain how their belts work. When you test, one of three things can happen: you can get the next belt up "decided" or "recommended" or you can fail and stay at the same belt. When you get a belt "decided," you have shown sufficient mastery for the belt and get it with no strings. When you get a belt "recommended," you've shown enough to get the belt, but you still have a little bit of work to do within the belt.

Last time, Mike and Jacob got their yellow belts "decided" and Daniel got his "recommended." (no real shocker there) At some point over the summer, they must have bumped him up to "decided" because that's what his old rank was listed as (per Mike). Anyway, all three got their orange belts "decided." I can't tell you how proud of Daniel I am. He worked really hard for this one.

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