Dad (right) and Uncle John (left) in their Cub Scout uniforms in Redlands, CA. Is Uncle John holding a cat? Cute house. I'm guessing that it's 1951.

Dad in his Boy Scout uniform heading off to a meeting on his bike (also in Redlands). 1953?

I love this one. Grandpa in the 1930's getting ready to go to camp as a Scoutmaster.

Thanks for posting them, Barb. I've never seen them.
I hadn't seen them before either. :)
I think I've seen the one of Grandpa before, but the others, no. That's pretty cool.
They're on the CD of the albums that I gave all of you years ago.
You never gave me anything like that, Dad. Must have been when I was the red headed stepchild.
OK stepchild. I just cut you a disk that goes from the '30 through the '50s. I'll cut you another from the '60s through the '70s. As for the new stuff, how many birthday parties and Christmas pics can you stand? There's also a ton of stuff that Mom had stashed that I haven't scanned to the 'puter yet. Also a ton of undeveloped stuff that Mom had stuffed in the drawer. I don't know about some of that stuff. If I get them developed at Walgreen's, just how many nudie kids do I have in bathtubs that can be used as evidence against me?
Scarey stuff!
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