It seemed to take forever to get to the house. About 10 minutes after it passed, the rains began. And, oh did it rain! Coupled with the thunder and lightning, it was an awesome storm and we got about 1.9 inches of rain.
The boys had TKD class with the brown belts last night because they missed Tuesday. Normally, we'd just skip it but with testing on Saturday, we wanted them to get their two practices in. They loved it. I guess it was the first time the boys ever sparred against each other. They thought it was funny. I wish I had seen it but Hannah and I stayed home. They've been asking to go to that class again.
The milk consumption in the house has slowed considerably since discovering the local milk. We were averaging better than a gallon a day (with the new milk, where as with the old milk, we were less than a 1/4 gallon a day) and are now down to about 1/2 - 3/4 gallon a day. That's more like it. I knew it was the novelty factor that was making them drink all of that milk. Now that it's in the fridge all of the time, they've slowed. They had been drinking it exclusively but have now gone back to the water/milk combo and that's better. I had been really worried about the amount of milk they had been drinking in this heat, but they seem to be okay.
It's so strange to think that a week from today, the boys start school. Where did the summer go? I find myself really sad about it all. I don't want them to go back to school. :( However, it does mean that MOPS will be starting up again and that's a good thing.
That is such a cool cloud. I wish I could've seen it.
I'm sad that school is starting too. Both my kids go this time. They start two weeks from today.
WOW! I can't believe school is starting already - Jonathan starts preschool again on Sept 5th
but we will be at the beach - he is going to miss the first 5 days - My Mom started back this Wed. Where did the summer go - oh that's right i had a baby, my brother got married and joanthan had 4 birthday parties - silly me!!!
Hannah also starts preschool on the's going to be hard to explain that she's on a different schedule than the boys. I know she's going to be mad for a couple of weeks. It's hard to believe that this is the last year that I'll have a preschooler. 8 years has gone so fast.
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