We've been seeing more and more monarchs around lately. I haven't seen any in the yard since the other night when Dad was here but we saw at least five on our way to Tae Kwon Do last night and 4 on the way back. That was pretty cool. I'm hoping that they find the milkweed in the yard and decide to lay some eggs.
For the first time in 5 years, Mike and I have all the proper stuff for the cars. Both cars have Kansas plates, we both have our Kansas driver's licenses and both cars have Kansas insurance. The only thing that kept us from having all of that in Iowa was that Mike's car had Illinois plates. We had the plates and insurance in Virginia but no driver's licenses (licensed in Iowa). My poor van has been plated in 4 states, where Mike's has only been plated in 3. LOL! We've got quite a collection of plates going.
It's so funny how quickly I got used to NOT hearing the tornado sirens going off (Virginia didn't have tornado sirens). There's only been one time, since we've been here, that they've gone off for a tornado warning but I'm thrown every time the first Wednesday of the month rolls around. Does Illinois still do it on the first Tuesday, or am I remembering that wrong? If I remember right, Iowa did theirs on the first Wednesday, too.
This morning, Jacob and I were talking about how, when I was in high school, I dissected a cat. He asked me how. I picked up Guillermo and kind of showed him how we took the skin off (obviously, I didn't actually do it) when I noticed just how white his whiskers are getting. At some point, I called him an old fart, which literally sent Jacob into a laughing fit for almost an hour. Apparently, he'd never heard that phrase before. LOL!
That sign looks very offical! What a great addition to your garden it will be.
Our siren testing is on the first Tuesday of the month. I always have to remind Mary Rose that it's a "test".
Yuck on the cat dissecting. I couldn't eat chicken for like a year after we did that. It may have been longer. I still look at it and remember what the muscles and stuff looked like.
I thought that the test was on the first Tuesday...just started second-guessing myself. LOL!
As for the cat dissection, I also couldn't eat chicken for a long time after. Yuck. Luckily, I've repressed a lot of the muscle stuff. Funny since my cat team won OIA (origin, insertion, action) for the cat! LOL!
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