Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Happy 4th of July!

I tell you's crazy hot outside today. The only shade while the kids are in the pool today is in the garage, so I've been sitting in there for a while. With that back door and the garage door open, you get a nice breeze. Doesn't make it easy to read the paper, though.

We're planning on taking the kids up to see Ratatouille this evening and then we're going to try to see some fireworks. They're doing the fireworks up at the mall and the movie's there too so we figure it'll be easy to walk out of the movie and see everything. That's the plan anyway. We'll see how it pans out.

Jacob got another chance to spar yesterday and was put up against Peter again. This time, he did a great job. He knew what to expect and actually backed Peter into a corner more than a few times. It helped that Steven (a parent, but also a black belt) was there coaching him along. "Round kick! Now spin kick!" Jacob took every piece of advice and found that it worked. It was really funny to see him up against Mia, a little girl who's about a year older than Hannah but is about 2 inches shorter. At first, I didn't think that match up seemed fair but then I realized that Mia's really scrappy and can really hold her own (helps that Peter's her brother!). Of course, Daniel had a great time "battling." LOL!

1 comment:

the Joneses said...

The difference between Jacob's and Daniel's personalities are pretty funny (and pretty typical). I'm glad Jacob went back in a second time and did some good battling. :)

-- SJ