*3:30pm Update* Okay. So I've pulled the brisket off of the grill and have it patiently waiting in the oven with the drippings (I had a pan under the meat on the grill) until we get back from Tae Kwon Do tonight. I would have liked to have left it on the grill until about 6:00pm but I wanted to make sure the grill was cool when we left. I pulled a little piece off to try and it has a beautiful smoke ring. I think I should have used more salt but that's okay. It smells unbelieveable!
*2:30pm Update* We're almost there!
*12:15pm Update* How good does this look?
*Update 11:00am* The brisket is looking beautiful. I've just done the first charcoal and woodchip replenish and so far, so good. The sauce is simmering nicely on the stove (I'm planning on putting it in a pan on the grill for a little while after I take the brisket off) and I'm getting excited about yummy brisket for dinner tonight (and tomorrow and probably the day after that-it's a big brisket). If this works, I'm going to try doing some pulled pork (dang I love pulled pork) next week.
Oh, and those of you with a Weber Grill (yes, I know that I'm a Weber snob), I've put up a link on the side over there on the left side of the page to their site. They've got some great recipes and whatnot. *End Update*
So, I decided to take a huge leap today. I'm grilling a brisket. Not only that, but I'm taking a beloved family recipe and changing it. *GASP* I've got the grill going with wood chips (never done that before) and am ready for the brisket to go in for several hours. I'm not adding the BBQ sauce (the family recipe that I'm abusing...okay, so I'm abusing the whole recipe) until the very end (it usually cooks in the sauce). Cross your fingers for me...if it turns out, I'll post pictures! LOL!
Er, Barb? What old family recipe is it that calls for BBQ sauce on a grilled brisket?
See...that's my problem. It's not even our side that has the recipe! It's Mike's Grandmother's recipe. She did her's in a dutch oven.
The brisket looks great. Let us know how it came out.
I will! You should see it, Bobbi. It looks awesome!
Too bad we can't smell it.
I'm so excited about how it's turning out! :)
OK, I had a French Dip pigout at the River Station for my retirement lunch. That means I get to put my pork chop on hold and have a bowl of noodles and a can of fish (lunch) for supper tonight. Either that or swell up like a great obese baloon. I've been gaining somehow for the last three weeks.
You went to River Station and just got a French Dip?!?
Hey, it's LUNCH not PROM! They have a nice sandwich menu. Oh, and Mom's marker came today. It's pretty nice.
Ah, River Station and prom. Can you imagine serving alcohol to someone in a prom dress? Gotta love 1983.
The marker is really lovely.
Your brisket looks beautiful. I've been using lump hardwood charcoal this summer. I really like it but it's very tempermental.
Where did I go from Prom? Oh! Sky Harbor out by the airport. I had a layer of lace over my dress and I brushed up against a nail on the wall...RIP!!! I was so upset. At least it just got the lace and not the fabric underneath. Mrs. Knapp was able to fix me up, though...almost good as new. And Deb, we didn't have the balls to try to order alcohol! Plus, I seemed to only drink with Sue! LOL! ;)
When are you going to put the marker in, Dad?
Dad told me you'd been using the lump charcoal. I've seen it in the store but have been too chicken to try it. My new thing is the different hardwoods. As long as you soak them really well prior to using them, they're really easy to use.
I'm getting a whole list of stuff to do lately. I'm going to drag my feet for another week and then I won't have to take time off for stuff, just take the time to do it. So for now, I'm concentrating on getting myself safely retired.
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