It rained off and on (mostly on) all day and changed over to snow around 7 tonight. How strange. We've got about 1/2 inch on the ground right now and it's just supposed to keep snowing through the night. Apparently, we broke a record on this day last year at 92 degrees. Huh. I hope it warms up soon.
Hannah had ice skating again today. She's off the walker and is able to slowly meander her way around the ice on her own. The only problem is that she can't get up by herself yet, so when she falls, she needs help. But she does get right back up and keeps going.
There was a new kid in her class today. I guess the dad had signed the little boy up, wanting him to learn to skate so that he could play hockey, because the mom was pissed about her boy being in a "figure skating" class. The dad had also picked the kid up some hockey skates that were way too big for him and the mom was upset about that too. She complained the whole class about how it would be okay if she had a little girl because it's "graceful and flowing...kind of like ballet" but her kid's a boy and he shouldn't be taking this class. The other two moms and I were annoyed with this lady for the whole class.
The kids all got haircuts this afternoon. Jacob and Daniel got the standard cut and Hannah got a little more than a trim. She was mad that I didn't have the girl cut more off. Yeah, I'm keeping it short because she won't let me put it up (most days, she won't even let me brush it) but there's only so far I'll let it be cut.
For whatever reason, I got the cleaning bug tonight. I had really only intended to just pick up the stuff off of the floor but it became a full on clean. The only thing I still need to do is mop but with the yuck outside, I don't want to bring the dog in on my clean floors just to have dog prints. So, the mopping waits. I still need to put away laundry and wash towels and sheets but it looks really nice.
It's supposed to be Spring. A friend of mine in Ohio called yesterday "February 71st". I though that just about said it all.
February 71st is a great description. We didn't get snow here in VA, but it's been cold and wet. All done already!
What fun company at Hannah's ice-skating class! I wish there were a polite way to say, "I lost interest in your conversation about five minutes ago, so could you just not talk anymore?" I'm impressed that Hannah can skate on her own!
-- SJ
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