Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Fire Update

Okay, so I've gotten a few e-mails, so I thought I would just post. Yes, there is a big chemical plant fire about 25 miles away from us. We are far enough away from the chemical plant fire that it's not effecting us. This evening, a portion of the sky looked thunderstormy, but I can't be sure that it is because of the smoke. The news did say that it was blowing in our direction and that it could be seen in the southern portion of our county so it probably was smoke from the fire. They've evacuated people for a one mile radius around the fire but I think they've reopened the Interstates around it. They also said that no one was hurt, so that's good.

All I know is I can't keep my eyes off of this thing. They keep breaking into commercials to give updates and it's just amazing. The NBC weatherman had a time lapse from this afternoon and the plume of smoke looked like a tornado. It was way cool.

So, we're all good. Thanks for all of the e-mails of concern!


Anonymous said...

Stay safe Barb. Grey's Anatomy is tonight!


Barbara said...

I know!!! I forgot it was Thursday until the radio played a commercial for Grey's this morning. It's a three parter!!!