We got our new TiVo yesterday. Mike seems to think that I'm going to neglect the rebate (Best Buy has a sweet rebate right now...makes the TiVo around $50! There's another for a different version of TiVo that makes it free) and it won't happen, but I've got it right here and as soon as the boys are off to school, I'm going to try to do it online. :)
Anyway, this thing's really cool. After 20 minutes of getting really frustrated about it not being able to change a channel, I realized the cable box wasn't on! After that, it just seemed to set itself up!
Yes, I've already gotten something recorded on it...fittingly for me, the first thing it recorded was the Grey's Anatomy rerun on Lifetime. LOL! It's already set to record for the next two weeks...the kids are excited about getting to see cartoons that are on before they get up in the morning or while they are at school. I just think it's cool that you can pause and rewind live TV!
Kewl beans!
And I even got the rebate stuff in the mail today!!! :)
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