WTF??!!?? For those of you who don't know who Isaiah Washington is, he plays Dr. Burke on Grey's Anatomy. I just saw a video of the press conference after their Golden Globe win and out of nowhere, he takes the mike from Shonda Rhimes (the show's creator) and says, "I did not call TR Knight a faggot." The whole cast just looked stunned. Not only had it not been brought up, but it was certainly not the place for him to say it! Even Katherine Heigl (Izzy Stevens) said that "he needs to just stop talking in public," and that she is "not okay with it." What was he thinking? I'm beginning to wonder if he needs to be taken off of the show. This is strike two, Isaiah!
Here is the transcript of TR Knight being interviewed by Ellen Degeneres...
Ellen: So here’s the thing. Some of you may know the story, some of you may not know the story.
Ellen: How long ago did this happen?
T.R.: Early October
Ellen: So Patrick Dempsey and Isaiah Washington are on the set. A scene is about to start and they start getting in a fight and words..
T.R: Not because I was late.
Ellen: And Isaiah Washington says what to Patrick Dempsey?
T.R: He referred to me as a faggot.
Ellen: As a faggot?
T.R: Yes
Ellen: So you’re around the corner and hear this?
T.R: It’s an awesome word isn’t it? (joking)
Ellen: It is. It really is unbelievable. It’s bad enough in school yards that happens but, grown men
T.R.: Everyone heard it.
Ellen: He said this horrible, hateful word and it puts you in this position because your weren’t out and then everyone on the set is hearing this and then you …
T.R: I was under no delusions.. my friends on the set knew. We talked about it.. they knew. I was not under any delusion that they didn’t know but I think publicly it’s not my thing to like call up People Magazine and be like hey you want to know something about me? You know, I think when it happened (the incident) I’ve never been called it and you know you go through things in life and you lose friends when you go through the process whatever your journey is but I’ve never been called that to my face. So, I think when that happened something shifted and it became bigger you know what I mean, then myself. I look to people like you (Ellen) and it’s April right almost ten years (when Ellen came out) to your bravery and others people’s bravery and your just really grateful for that because I could’ve just let it slide and not said anything but it became important.
Ellen: And it became a thing in the press because of the fight
T.R: To say something, It became important to make the statement…
On the recent Golden Globe incident
Ellen: And then the other night at the Golden Globes I guess Isaiah Washington starting up the whole thing up again which is kind of crazy…
T.R.: Yeah, he denied that he said it (faggot)..I don’t know what to say…really about that.
Ellen: I don’t either, other than it seems like at this point and time we should not say hateful words to one another and we should all learn…
Ellen: I just wish you continued success and that this is out of the way and that people stop saying hateful things to one another or just using that word is dangerous.
T.R.: It is and I don’t know what to say about it but it’s pretty bad..
Ellen: But I’m proud of you, you’re a brave guy.
T.R.: But, thanks to you.. it was ten years ago… but it just made all the difference in the world..
Ellen: It was a different time and things are getting better.
T.R: I was recently watching some of your interviews from that time and it was just .. It was so..I’m losing my words and I apologize it’s just very moving and it just meant so much.
Ellen: Well, what your doing is going to mean something to other people that are seeing that because you’re an amazing guy, so I’m proud of you.
Well, TR accused Isaiah of calling him a faggot on the Ellen Degenerate show. Last week?
Isaiah did call TR a faggot! It was an incident last October, I think...where Patrick Dempsey was late for a shoot and Washington got up, grabbed Dempsey around the neck, pushed up up against a wall, and, while choking him, said that he wasn't a little faggot like Dempsey's little friend (TR). (paraphrasing) As far as I know, it hadn't happened again and I hadn't heard about it for a while now. The Golden Globes were the wrong place for him to say something like that...especially when no one brought it up! GRRRRR!!!!!
Wow! You're typing your fingers off today Barb.
(^_^)'s called "cut and paste!" LOL!!! Someone posted it on the Grey's message boards and I tell you what...they want Isaiah's head over there!
Maybe someone will sic Rosie on him. (^_^)
She's going after Paula Abdul now. Ugh...Rosie ODonnel.
Did you read Isaiah Washington's apology today:
“I apologize to T.R., my colleagues, the fans of the show and especially the lesbian and gay community for using a word that is unacceptable in any context or circumstance. I marred what should have been a perfect night for everyone who works on ‘Grey’s Anatomy.’ I can neither defend nor explain my behavior. I can also no longer deny to myself that there are issues I obviously need to examine within my own soul, and I’ve asked for help.”
Wonder what will happen next!
I hadn't heard that he had apologized, but I do know it was really strange watching tonight's episode where Burke and George were best friends.
You kow I thought the same thing tonight - I actually thought about calling you because it was such a touching moments between the characters but by knowing everything that has happened between the actors it was odd to watch it.
Anyway, I don't think this problem is going to go away quickly or easily and I am afraid it is going to hurt a very good show!
Ugh...stupid blogger. It ate my comment! Basically, I had said that I doubt that anything will happen to him and I bet it all gets swept under the rug. I used to love the Burke/George scenes because they were such unlikely friends but now, it's just uncomfortable.
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