Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Little Freaked Out

Last night I was flipping through channels. I've recently discovered DIY Network and find myself watching it a lot. I was watching a kitchen renovation show when they broke into commercial. Bored, I started flipping through channels. I came upon VH 1's Celebrity Paranormal Project. Of course, it was midnightish and everyone was asleep. Oh and I was in the basement, which sometimes freaks me out anyway. As soon as I figured out what was going on, I knew I should have changed the channel but just couldn't. This poor girl goes, by herself, into this children's dorm room in the middle of the night to try to connect with the spirit of a girl who was murdered there. She has to hang a windchime and wind up a music box to see if she'll come out. Of course, all of this is in the dark and they have those strange night vision cameras. She radios the "headquarters" and it starts to cut out. You can tell that this poor woman is scared out of her mind. She thinks she hears breathing in a corner and the radio completely cuts out and then the video does. The next thing you see is this poor woman running for her life back to the headquarters. Needless to say, I was sufficiently freaked out. When she gets back, she tells everyone that someone was there but it wasn't a little girl. There were two other "missions" after that at which point the woman I mentioned before starts to scream, "GET OUT OF ME!" (I didn't mention that she had just gotten back from a "mission" where Evander Holyfield had to handcuff her...as the people there were handcuffed...and walk out of the building.) At this point, I'm sure I'm going to have nightmares (which I did). When it was over, I turned off the TV and ran upstairs. It took me forever to get to sleep and I must have woken up 4 times. No more of this show for me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's OK Barb, wanna go out for a
