Thursday, October 19, 2006

It's Only Thursday

30 Days 'Til the Move

Word of the day
propaedeutic • \proh-pih-DOO-tik\ • noun
: preparatory study or instruction
Example sentence:
"Families in state programs that stressed immediate work earned . . . more per year than families in states that emphasized job training or education as a propaedeutic to work." (Richard Nadler, National Review, November 6, 2000)

I put the kids to bed last night at 7:45. I felt badly about it but it seems to take them forever to actually fall asleep and they've been so crabby that I thought that if they would just fall asleep before 9, I'd be happy. They were sleeping by 8. It was so nice. They woke up happy and smiling (they normally don't - Daniel's even learned the "five more minutes, Mom" and he's only 5!). They breezed through breakfast and getting dressed. We even made it to the bus stop early. It's one nice thing about it getting dark early, I guess. Hopefully, they'll do it again tonight 'cause Grey's is on at 9 and nothing gets to me more than trying to deal with cranky, tired kids and watch my show at the same time.

I need to get going on my scrabooks. I'm almost done with our Illinois vacation album and then I need to get caught up in our regular family album. The last thing I did in that one was Daniel's preschool graduation in May. I've got some work to do. I'd like to get caught up before we move since I know stuff'll (is that a word? LOL!) get lost and I don't think I'll have time to do it for a while. Just a reminder to everyone...Creative Memories direct ship starts on November 7th (my birthday!). You'll be able to place orders through my site and your order will come directly to you! Just click the link to my Creative Memories site in My Favorites to the left. Or, you can click this link. Once you get to my page, click on Our Products and Services and you'll be taken to our online catalog. You also have to check out the new Storybooks...I want to do one but with a dial up, it takes too long, so I'm going to wait until we move). It's scrabooking already done for you! Just plug in your pictures and they'll send you a completed album. So cool. Okay, I'm done with my little plug for now. I have to shower and get ready for the mold guy.


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your Grey's this week Barb,
because next week's is a REPEAT!
So is Earl by the way. And the
season has barely started!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and another Ultimate Avenger
movie on Toonami Saturday night.


Barbara said...

The kids got your DVDs yesterday, Dad. They were thrilled and immediately put Teen Titans in the DVD player. Oh, and thanks for the coin. I can't get it to stand up, though, so I left it in the protective case.

I know Grey's is a repeat next week...I think it has something to do with the World Series. They don't want to compete.

Anonymous said...

Which Earl is it, Dad? I hope it's the second one - we missed it.

Anonymous said...

It's the first "Earl" Deb. But
I have the second one on DVD.

World Series huh? You'd think
that they'd only do it for
something important like NASCAR!

Barbara said...

Isn't NASCAR only on the weekend?

Anonymous said...

Details, details, details.

I got a disc full of "Grey's"
this morning. I'll send it along
on Monday.
