Friday, October 20, 2006


I'm sure you were all wondering what happened that I hadn't given my Friday Grey's analysis...okay, so you were all relieved that I hadn't given my Friday Grey's analysis. Whatever. Honestly, I'm not sure what to say about last night's episode. I understand where they are going with it...that they can't all be like the Super Bowl episode but there's just something missing. I can't exactly figure out what it is. Here we are, five episodes in, and we're still talking about Denny. The man died...let it go already. And Izzy putting a $8.7 million dollar check on the fridge? Come on. Shonda promised that she wouldn't drag out the Meredith and Derek we are again...they're still not together going into episode 6. I'll rewatch the episode tonight and see if I'm still as upset about it.

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