Okay, so I'm freaking out here a little. Michelle, please tell me you saw the 4 MINUTE LONG GREY'S VIDEO!!! OMG!!! So much to analyze! Did you see the headlights and the spider webbing on the windshield? At first, I thought it was just part of the Fray video...then I realized IT'S MER'S JEEP!!!! HER LITTLE BLUE JEEP IN THE WOODS!!!! Does she get into an accident? And how about George and Derek running into Mer's house and George running into Callie's arms while Derek's looking frantic? Could that be related to it? The whole Izzy/Mer thing looked like it could be a dream - it had that whitish background like when she was imagining Derek in the bomb epi. Maybe she blacks out from the accident and starts flashing back. How about Addie opening the hotel room door and Derek on the other side? Possible that Mark's in there with her? Hmmm...
The whole coin flip thing has me confused. I hope she doesn't pick between Derek and Finn this way! Bailey sitting all alone and looking upset has me scared. Could this have something to do with the possible accident?
What's going on with Alex? Who's he shoving/punching? Maybe his dad? And what's up with the newborn?
I literally screamed when they showed Mer/Der kissing. And then, I almost threw up when she was kissing Finn. Planboy needs to leave now! Thank goodness Mike wasn't here to roll his eyes at me.
I need to stop for now since I may begin siezing at any moment. I need to find out if someone's posted it to YouTube.
Ok, what the hell did I miss? I
got both episodes of "Grey's" that
showed last night on DVD, but
didn't see this. Where is it?
Dad, I think it's a commercial.
Calm down Dad. It was a music video on right after the second episode last night. If you didn't get it, that's okay since by the time I would get, season 3 would have already started. :)
I am too upset to say anythign else at this time!
LOL! Here's the link to it on YouTube...
You'll have to cut and paste, I think but it's all there!
Ok, first let me say that I am now calm having just watched the video.
Much of the video was from last season and it is obvious that some is "left-over" - you know those are Mer's panties hanging ont he board, etc.
Der on the other side of Addy's door - I think she moved out and got a hotel room and he went there to talk.
I don't think you are right about the dream scene with Mer and blondie. I think it really happened.
At first I thought that the accident happened after she ran out from the "prom" BUT her and Der in the hospital with the kissing scene and in the elevator was definitly after the party. Callie must have thought that George had been in some kind of accident - if you see her face - there is real worry.
The man Alex pushes, etc is tied to the infant I think - maybe caused the premature birth and get's in the way when Alex tries to help.
I feel sorry for Dr Vet - maybe him and blondie can hook up and ease eachother's pain. BUT he and Mer are wearing the same cothes in the "kiss" scene as in the bar scene - maybe the kiss is her saying goodbye becasue it looks like she is standing in the same place at the very end holing an envelope or something.
Bailey sitting - maybe they are going to tell her story - Dr, mom etc. Or maybe she is upset over the baby that Alex is with.
I would also like to comment that I am shocked you haven't added the words to this song - you are getting slow!!!!
I think that is it for now!
First...let's deal with Izzy and Mer. I hope you're right but on TV, the white light was glaring. It just didn't show up on YouTube. :( Now that I've said that, I can go on to other things!
You're right about the "left over." clearly, they had to do something with the panties. I mean it was so clear in the finale when she's saying "have you seen my panties? I had panties on, black, have you seen them?" over and over and left without them. I can't wait to see what Alex does with that one!
I could slap you right through the computer for saying that my McDreamy is going to see Satan to talk. Are you trying to kill me? Seriously! ;) Unless it's to tell Addison that he slept with Mer and he's done with her tired ass, that would be okay. (you do know that the other dirty mistress is coming for the season, right? Don't know when McSteamy makes his appearance, though.)
As for Mer running out on the Prom, I'm having a really hard time with this one. I think that Shonda may have thrown this in as a foiler. She's said more than once that the season will start 3 hours after the season 2 end. I just hope that she doesn't give the cheesy "I have to go check on Izzy," line.
Alex...oh Alex. I've heard so many rumors as to what he could have been doing hurting some strange man. Everything from he's the dad from the epi where Addison cut his wife's tubes to it's his dad. I just don't know. He's always a little to into his job.
I feel badly for McVet too...he knew that Mer was "scary and damaged." He just didn't know how much! If you look closely, Mer's holding a bag at the end of that scene (I've also heard a lot of speculation about this...dinner leftovers, Doc's ashes, Doc's playthings, divorce papers, etc). I'm desperately hoping it's a goodbye kiss. I can't tell if she's into it or if she's pulling away. Hmmm...
I can't wait to see Burke's mom walk in on them! You know that Cristina is going to have some bizarre witty comment for her! LOL! It's going to be awesome. And you can tell Burke's a mamma's boy!
So, who do you think is behind the door...who is it that Izzy's watching come in? It's probably something really stupid, like George coming in to get something.
Of course, I'm not thinking clearly as I'm addicted to three different fanfictions...American McDream and Lose Myself are written by the same person. I've been following these all summer. They're the only ones that haven't gotten completely obnoxious and completely unbelieveable (one had Finn being this psycho stalker killer...wait...I think most of them had Finn being a psycho stalker killer!). I've just gotten sucked into Little Angels...mostly a fanfic about Mer/Der's kids! LOL! I've got links on my page if you're interested!
10 DAYS, GIRL!!!!
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