Sunday, July 09, 2006

BoBoBo BoBoBoBo

Dad, true to form, sent the kids home with a stack of DVD's of cartoons. Their favorite, by far, has been Bobobo Bobobobo. Just listening to this show is killing me. With characters like Gas Can (Jacob keeps reminding me that his name is really Gasser) and Jelly Jiggler (they really like this one) how can it not be insane? There's a whole episode on ramen and I made the mistake of making them ramen for lunch today. Jacob's been singing "every time you eat ramen, do six sit-ups" and then "every time you do sit ups, eat six cups of ramen." So strange.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm finishing up another DVD of
Avatar right now. Then, tonight,
yet another episode of Grey's
Anatomy. Naruto's coming along
too. Hehehehehe! Nice to have a