Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So Tired

Hannah was pretty crabby all day yesterday but I just figured that she was because she hadn't taken a nap. About 1:30am, I hear wimpering and a little voice saying "mom." Not yelling...just very softly. It took me a little bit to figure out which room it was coming from. I discovered it was Hannah and figured she was having a bad dream since she still appeared to be asleep. I rub her back a little and she seems okay. Around 3am, she's very upset. I go in and decide to bring her back to bed with me. She suddenly thinks it's time to be up. She's tossing and turning, whining and asking to watch TV. At some point, I heard Mike say, "come on, Hannah, we need to sleep." When Mike got up to shower and go to work, Hannah again thought it was time to get up. I must have yelled at her because she began crying. I snuggled up with her and fell back to sleep. I got up again at 7:30 to get Jacob ready for school and she was sound asleep. She slept until I woke her up at 9am. Now I feel badly because I think she's sick. I'm so used to Daniel coming in bed with us in the middle of the night that it didn't even occur to me that she may not be feeling well. Her disposition is fairly normal but she's running a fever. Poor baby. I feel like a big mean mommy.

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