Today is the last day of the Apple Blossom Festival. Finally. Not that it hasn't been fun but Mike and I are pooped. We wandered around the craft fair (I love craft fairs!)...Mike bought me a cute bracelet with each of the kids' names and birthstones on it for Mother's Day and I got a cute thing for the dining room. We ran into Beth (my CM upline) and her family, Wayne and Cheryl (neighbors) and Skylar's family (a little boy from Daniel's T-Ball team last year). Mike was good friends with Brian (Skylar's dad) and they were excited to catch up with each other. The kids loved this blow up thing that you run through and then go down the slide at the end...they must have done that about 5 times. They also got to ride a pony. Of course, there was more eating...more corn dogs, gyros, those yummy almonds, pizza, smoothies. We are more than tired.
Riding Ponies

Sand Art

Painting at the art station
Barb, in the picture of Hannah on the pony with her hair pulled back, she looks a lot like Megan.
I thought the exact same thing! Isn't it wierd?
Don't tell Megan. She hates when people say she looks like others.
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