We went down to the walking mall for the midway games and to catch the beginning of the Grand Feature Parade. The kids really cleaned up with winning games. They enjoyed snow cones, ice cream, funnel cakes, corn dogs, and kettle corn. Jacob even lost a tooth! It was a lot of fun. Needless to say, we're pretty tired!
The kids and their winnings

George Hamilton was the Grand Marshall for the Grand Feature Parade

Daniel shows off his tatoo

Hannah and her ice cream

Jacob shows off where his tooth was
It looks like you had a ton of fun. The lost tooth is a good look on Jacob. How much does the tooth fairy bring at your house?
Well...usually $2. However, the tooth fairy forgot to visit last night so she had better cough up a little more to patch things up! Oh, the tooth fairy is feeling a ton of guilt right now!
Oops! I've done that. I did get away with sneaking into the room and saying that it must have fallen off the bed or something.
The Tooth Fairy's excuse was that she was just running late...Jacob got up earlier than normal and she thought that she had more time! LOL!
That's a riot.
Baked, not fried.
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