Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Look At Me!!! I'm Posting for the Third Day in a Row!!!

The only thing I hate about this time of year is that it really flares up Hannah's asthma. I have to admit, though, that it's much better this year than it has been in years past. We haven't had to make an ER run, which is awesome. I did take her in to the pediatrician yesterday because she's been coughing a lot and I can't get it under control with just the nebulizer or the inhaler.

Poor Hannah's a walking steroid right now. Between the Orapred (for just a couple of days), Flovent (until the end of November) and Albuterol (and her nightly Singulair), it's been hard to keep track of what she's taking. I had to make a big chart and put it on the fridge.

The school nurse was thrilled when I told her the spacer and inhaler that I sent with Hannah could stay at school because I made sure to have doubles. I guess there aren't many people that do that and she said that it's hard to remember to always send the meds back home.

She's already sounding so much better. I'd just like for her to be able to get a good night's sleep! We go back for a recheck in two weeks. She'll also get her flu shot then. She's not at all happy about that.


debbie said...

Bless her heart. Have you talked to the allergist about allergy testing/shots? They've helped Emma tremendously.

Anonymous said...

Hope this is a short episodde. I know how asthma attacks can be. Give her a big kiss for us.

Bobbi and Eddie